A lot of women have forgotten to be sexy wives and assumed 100% role of mothers or businesswomen, neglecting their looks, shape, beauty and their duty to please their husbands. . . These women who fall into this category have not visited the gym in about 2 years or don't even have a gym card or workout DVD, they pay no attention to their body shape and size, they're of the opinion that " ITS FOR BETTER FOR WORSE" I.e Dear partner loves me even if I'm as big as Yokozuna, they always forget the REALITY PRINCIPLE. . . Some of these women stay home watch Africa Magic on weekends, eat Gala, chips, spend their whole day in the kitchen. When their husband comes home from work, they're smelling of ata rodo, onions and kerosene. Their husbands already lose interest in them physically and sees them as a cook or sister. . . Also, a lot of men have "seen their partners finish". "See Finish Syndrome" They don't feel any need to impress their wives or girlfriends physically or sexually.
They use money and gifts to replace intimacy. This is a major cause of infidelity. . . Beer is a major problem for most Nigerian men. You will see a 28 year guy whose stomach is the size of 3 balls. Aside from the obvious malignant health issues attached to this lifestyle. They can't perform sexually or move around the bed properly because of the size of their weight.
Physical fitness plays a major role in the success of relationships. . .
There are 2 major Variables that cause breakups 1️Emotional Disconnect
2️Physical Disconnect 1️Emotional Disconnect is the worst because it has to do with the brain, the mind, our cognitive archetypes. We can't see it but only feel it. You know you don't have feelings for someone anymore you just don't know why. 2️⃣ Psychical Disconnect leads to emotional Disconnect, that's why it is paramount and vital that your health and body is on point because great sex releases some hormones who sends messages to the brain that make you attached or connected to someone. . . Ladies and Gentlemen, join a gym today, do makeup, buy a skipping rope. Don't let your spouse have "see finish syndrome" for you. #doktormofin"
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