13 Oct 2016

Learn how to get a girlfriend with these easy steps

1. Take care of your physical appearance When learning how to get a girlfriend you must realize that your looks are an important part of the dating game. Bad body odor, foul breath, and improperly-groomed hair are absolute turn-offs to almost every woman you'd find anywhere in the world. Shower regularly, brush your teeth, and please, stay in shape. Women look out for these things; and by women, we also mean your future girlfriend. Avoid dressing in the same pattern every time. Variety, they say, is the spice of life. It helps in proving that you are not a one-trick-pony. 2. Learn how to converse with women There’s probably no female in the world that does not like to be complimented. That’s one of the most important rules of how to get a girlfriend. Learn to find something beautiful in any girl. It doesn't have to be something physical; it could be an admirable trait or a skill. And when the conversation gets going, please avoid dropping sexist jokes, or telling sad tales about how your ex dumped you and how women are generally not to be trusted because they have disloyalty inherent in them. Instead of these, be witty, and make her laugh.
 3. Networking If you're not sure how to start meeting people, go out and pursue hobbies you love. Sign up for activities that sound fun to you and attend events. You can use social media wisely and land yourself a girlfriend. Remember the more people you meet, the higher your chances of meeting the girl of your dreams. 
4. Get good at sex We will not teach you how to satisfy a woman here, but you should know that putting a woman first when you are behind closed doors always works. So get over your selfish self, and concentrate on her pleasure. It is a valid logic that if she's going to be having sex with just one person, it better be worth it.

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