18 Oct 2016

"Life Is Too Short"; Birthday Girl Who Survived Tragic Motor Accident Says. . . Read what she shared via her social media account;

Few hours to my Birthday! And I want to use this medium to give glory to whom it belongs to, the Almighty,the great Physician, the All Sufficient God If not for him, Oct 18th would have been a Remembrance Day not a Celebration day for me loved ones.. Have come to know the thin line between Life and Death..so everyday of my life I gives thanks to God. Every time I look at my self at the mirror instead of seeing my Scars, all I see is Beauty! And Big thank you to all who stood by me....My mom,any time I regain a little consciousness I always see my mom right by my side and always Praying! Mom I'm grateful till eternity!🙏 my Cousin Deola, you are one in a million! Always by my side! My Big sis, your are the Best! Always there for me all through the time I couldn't help myself with anything! My Dad, Brother n sis, all your support one way or the other is forever Appreciated! My friends(true friends oo and all my loved ones that supported spiritual ,physically ,mentally ..THANK YOU ALL! The Accident taught me lessons upon lessons! Turned me into a better person ,in fact made me know how much God love me,made me prettier and made me realize ,life is too short ! The first picture on the right was just a day before the Accident..the last on the left is one of my Recent pictures(I love picture n the devil wanted to spoil my fine face Shame on devil! 

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