20 May 2016


There are relationships that can't be however you try.Everything will seem so perfect,Seem so right yet for some reasons the relationship just can't be.
It's something like the way magnet repel against each other, you push and push but sure really can't come together.when the right person comes everything will just click.
Relationships shouldn't be forced,so when it seems to be fallen apart we should accept it same way we accept when things are good.
Sometimes what is not good for us is not so apparent, and that's the reason we need to tap into our heart to understand situation better.
Most times it is clear to us that what we want is not the best,Yet we push ahead at a great cost of energy to make it work.
Every divorcee seems to have this one testimony "there was a warning before the marriage " But it is undermind because you want him so badly as a husband or as a wife.our hearts are very sensitive, we are very much in touch with our emotional self but the problem we have is ignoring the heart,not knowing that the heart knows things it can't explain,the heart has access to get information we can't ordinarily have.
Your heart somehow has this intelligence just as it knows things you can't possibly know, it's almost like there's something deceptive about him or her but on the surface there's no proof,these things are things you can't prove but can only validate them through personal experience, Part of the problem is that he or she is not emotionally giving, he or she is deliberately withholding something inside that tells you to keep away from him but you can't see what,though you know somehow something is wrong.
To all intents and purposes he or she will make a great partner and someone you can be proud of except for that thing,something you can't lay your hands on.
There are some rational explanation but something inside of you just can't click and it is so sure and realistic. 
In the same manner you want the relationship to work....................You try hard,Pull hard,Push hard...........and yet.If it can't be, it won't be.‎

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