13 Oct 2016

Straight Talk by the President.

And with advertised impunity, those given trusts betrayed them, those given public offices abused them; and majority of those given guardianship over any matter of significance compromised their positions. 
It has become so bad that it is looking as if there are hardly any honest people left. At the same time, the culture of hypocrisy has also been perfected. Everybody, including those perpetrating fraud, complain, as if the fraudulent practices that exist are committed by extra-terrestrials from outer space. 
Yet this society, that is complaining is the one that should be squarely blamed. No other society to my knowledge tolerates such outrage, while our own positively encourages it. Nowhere else in the world can one find a society tolerating the theft of its precious resources in broad daylight with nothing happening to the thieves. A day in office, as far as the general public is concerned, often means eight hours of converting public resources to private purses. 
Few societies seem to reward embezzlement with "honours" as does ours. Instead of putting rascals on trial we put them in positions of leadership in the community, in the cities, in the states and in the whole country. Is it therefore any wonder that we are at this impasse, perplexed, bewildered and at a loss? A society that rewards criminal behaviour and applauds the display of a vicious mindset, is yet to embark on the path of honour and reform of its affairs. Where we go from here depends entirely upon what we make of the current situation."

-President Muhammadu Buhari.

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