23 May 2016

Baby mama drama in Nigeria!

A certain musician popularly known in Nigeria had been depicted as a universal donor who specializes in having kids without being married.
He's act was condemned by all media. It was joked upon at any slightest opportunity by every comic persons.
Little did all other entertainers who joined in the time of calling him names know that fame and money could bring them up to par in the drama of having kids without being married.
Nowadays,most entertainers in the country are involved in some kind of melodramatic relationship with their unmarried girlfriend who is either pregnant or have the baby.
It is pertinent to man up to the fact that when you have unprotected sex with a female,weather you're in love with them or not,the likelihood of being pregnant is possible.so it isn't enough to deny that you are not the one responsible,rather you can decide on a paternity test if you are not convinced that you're responsible for the pregnancy and stop involving mothers who were not present during the action.
As for these females running around and want to be stars' wives,you could at least make yourself desirable by allowing him to propose or ask you to have a baby by them before you bring a shocker!!!

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