Fibroids are considered noncancerous tumors of the uterus, and are found in over 80% of women. Although 97% benign, there does exist a malignancy rate of approximately 1-3%.
Fibroid tumors usually present in four different types: pedunculated, subserosal,, intramural, submucosal. click here
Pedunculated fibroids are those extending from the uterus on a stalk. This type of tumor may be found within the endometrial cavity or extending outside the uterus into the pelvis. These are the most easily removed tumors, and often the surgical removal can be performed through laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. The symptoms include pain or pressure in a specific area, or bleeding depending on where the tumor is located. Click here
Subserosal are those fibroids located just beneath the outer layer of the uterus. These are the tumors that are most easily accessible and are often removed via a simple or laparoscopic myomectomy. If allowed to increase in size, symptoms can include pelvic pain, back pain, urinary frequency, constipation, bloating and indigestion.
Intramural tumors are those located deep in the uterus in the main body of the organ. These are the most common and the most difficult to remove, and are responsible for the highest percentage of hysterectomies. These tumors can produce bleeding problems, abdominal pressure, and painful intercourse, in addition to all the symptoms listed above
Finally, submucosal fibroids are those directly adjacent to the endometrial lining. These are the tumors primarily responsible for heavy menstrual bleeding. These tumors impinge on the endometrial cavity and can produce long heavy periods, cramps, clots, and cervical
Fertility outcomes with fibroids are dependent on the size, number and location of the tumors. In general, only -12% of fibroids are associated with primary infertilty so most women can have uncomplicated pregnancies with these tumors, and research has shown that if conception takes place only 10-15% of women will have complications with pregnancy. Click here
Submucosal and intracavity tumors are an example of those that can produce complications and even pregnancy loss. Intracavity fibroids are in direct competition for space within the endometrial cavity with a developing fetus. This can create obstacles to development and miscarriage can occur. Submucosal tumors by nature of their location near the lining can also contribute to infertility by inhibiting implanation of the fertilitzed egg. Fundal fibroids are known to block fallopian tubes and are therefore a primary source of infertility by preventing conception.
No matter what type, the longer fibroid tumors are left untreated, the greater the chance of infertility.
See our natural Solution that has been used by many  women all over and how fibroids have been shrinked within the shortest possible time and without surgery
And see how
fibroid tumors were safely removed without surgery
Click Here to see Testimonial of people that have used our fibroid removal pack
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