16 Sept 2016


Most parents have the notion that children are gifts from God thereby can naturally nurture up themselves.
How possible is that? Without the help of God and parents, children who are left to be independent too early often make too many unguided mistakes that could affect their future being. Surviving through Domestic Undertakings, Education,Behavior,Financial needs and others are huge tasks that require some level of maturity and experience for children left to cater for themselves. Children are gifts from God,known and acknowledged but the question is how have you assisted in making the child's life better, what good example have you laid for that child to follow,how much time have you spent with that child,Quality or quantity time? It's so sad to see parents who think they are correcting their children via corporal punishment otherwise known in Nigeria as " if you no beat am e no go hear word" that's funny though. How has beating a child changed him /her? Nope it doesnt. but only make it Children are better off when thought with love and care and not abused. Beating is not the way out. Letting a child have their way always is also not the best way to train up a child, giving a child whatever they asked for even when it's not good for them is definitely not a way to train a child.
It is pertinent for parents to watch their children carefully,understand their needs,cater for the needs,discipline them when necessary (devoid of abuse),encourage and support them when they do right and always have discussions with them.

Source : Personal Thought

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